In memory of the personnel who served Oakland Volunteer Fire Company
Charter Members
Paul Gipe
Clyde Horner
Ken James
Roy Strong
Toy Griffith
George Miller
Paul Brubaker
John Mostoller
George Bittner
John Horton
Ronald Hudson
Quint Geisel
Kline Ober
Humphrey Miller
George Karr
Harry Strong
Fred Griffith
James Chapman
Mark Griffith
Perce Appleyard
Earl Griffith
Earl Giles Jr.
James Birtle
Eugene Schrader
Kenneth Strayer
Merle Griffith
James Lehman
Grant Lybarger
Fred Lauper
Roy Griffith
Lew Vore
Henry Weber
Clyde Woodward
Ellis Klahre
Edward Norton
Louis Himes
Ivan Pierce
James Custer
Kenneth James
Evan Pugh
Charles Kane
Karl Sievers Sr.
Charles Klahre
Archibald Purdy
Lee Gilbert
Merle Wagner
Robert Callihan
John Wallace
Fred Wissinger
Donald Miller
Gordon Wilcox
Daniel Wissinger
Harold Gilbert
Thomas Wilson
Lowman Griffith Sr.
Diane Fulton
R.C. Wagner
James Lease
Clinton Ott
William Taylor
Charles Thomas
Carl Toner
Susan Hearn
Dewayne Berkey
Elwood Trent
Richard Kelly
Robert Smith
Galen Wissinger
Roy Leventry
Robert Albaugh
Donald Kiser Sr.
Sam Filorimo
Richard Eckman
Charles Hart
Clarance Kieper
J.P. Conner
Alonzo Johnson
William Duryea
Earl Bennett
Richard Strayer
Thomas Updyke
H. James Shomo
Gerald Carter
Valentine Worthington
Kathleen Updyke
Crawford Yoder
Jack Shearer
Paul G. Bergman
Robert Beegle
John Kiser
Robert UB Hudson
William M. Knipple
Ronald Helsel
John Custer Sr
Ben Donahey
John Hrabask
Harold J. Berkebile Sr.
J.W. Putt
Joe Meele
Frank Hoffman
George Engelbach Sr.
Earl Berkebile
George Probert
Charles E. Marks
Matt Evens
Chalmer Holsinger
John Melliey
Mnsgr. James Fitzgibbon
W. Lee Berkey
Merritt Rininger
Frank Messino
Hank Horner
William Ferg
Merle A. Berkebile Sr.
Ralph Ringler
Earl Hillegas
George Engelbach
Charles Berkebile
Harry Lockard
James Heinline
Wally Dunford
Percie Appleyard
Earl Parks
George Lehman
Charles Hayes
Maynard Duell Sr.
Elbie Pheasent
Edward Bawden
Andrew Eastlake
Gersham Price
Forest Markley
Frank Helsel Sr.
William Emmel
Leon Bennett
Thomas Porter
Charles Malloy
David Helsel
John Allison
John Milhalick
William Swinger
Robert Johnson
Frank Gore
George Crawford
Ed Strayer
Carl Montag Sr.
Randy Johnson
Evan Goodwin Sr.
John Cover
Grant Moreau
Robert Strayer
Thomas Dabbs
James O. Leahman
Henry Diebold
Charles Swinger
John Nees
William F. Knipple
Edward Dare
Simon Naugle
Frank Griffith
Charles Snavely
John Miller Sr.
Benard Goller
Edwin Hunt
Earl Gilles
David Bheam
John Shearer
David Miller
J. Ronald Hudson
Donald Forester
Modestus Betz
Harvey Shomo
Claude Blue
Walter Hurd
Elmer Constable
Thomas Smith Sr.
Walter Miller
William Jacobs
Harry Glattke Sr.
Oran Brant
T.E. Smith
John Miller
Harry Shaffer